INTISARIPenerapan e-government dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan di Kabupaten Kebumen berpotensi meningkatkan kualitas layanan publik, meningkatkan transparasi dan aksesibilitas informasi. Untuk itu perlu disiapkan tatakelola TIK terhadap beberapa proses prioritas agar penerapan e-government berdayaguna sesuai harapan. Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies 5 (COBIT 5) dapat digunakan sebagai kerangka tatakelola.
Tiga tata kelola prioritas berbasis COBIT 5 yang perlu disiapkan agar e-government terterapkan adalah: 1) DSS02, pengelolaan request dan insiden layanan TIK; 2) DSS03, pengelolaan problem layanan TIK; 4) DSS04, pengelolaan keberlanjutan layanan TIK. Penelitian ini akan mendalami tingkat kapabilitas pelaksanaan ketiga proses tersebut di pemerintah Kabupaten Kebumen, dan memberikan rekomendasi inisiatif-inisiatif yang selaras dengan target.
Survey berbantuan kuesioner yang dikembangkan berdasarkan standar Process Assessment Model (PAM) COBIT 5 terhadap seluruh pegawai Dinas Komunikasi dan Informasi Kabupaten Kebumen mendapatkan hasil: Kapaibilitas berada pada level 1 (Performed Process), e-government sudah dilaksanakan namun belum ada pengelolaan yang fokus terhadap proses-proses terkait penanganan insiden, permasalahan, dan tingkat keberlangsungan (High Availibility) komponen-komponen TIK.
Pemerintah daerah perlu memperbaiki beberapa implementasi tata kelola TIK di tingkat internal agar kapabilitas penerapan e-government dapat ditingkatkan, antara lain: Perencanaan Strategi Teknologi Informasi, Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia TI, Pengelolaan Kualitas Layanan TI, Pengoperasian dan Penggunaan Sumber Daya TI, Mengelola Perubahan, Pengelolaan Tingkat Layanan, Pengelolaan Keberlanjutan Layanan, Pengelolaan Insiden dan Service Desk, Pengelolaan Masalah, Pengelolaan Operasi.
Kata kunci: tata kelola TIK, e-government, COBIT 5 PAM, tingkat kapabilitas
ABSTRACTThe development of e-government is an effort to develop the administration of electronic-based government in order to improve the quality of public services effectively and efficiently. Kebumen District Government recognizes the importance of information role by using electronic government (e-government) to provide services, data and information quickly and accurately with better quality. Prior to facilitating e-government services to the community, the district government of Kebumen wanted to first improve ICT governance of e-government on some of the processes considered to be a priority. The process in COBIT 5 enters the Customer dimension in the Balance Score Card. Three priority COBIT 5 processes include: DSS02 ICT service request and incident management, DSS03 ICT service problem management, and DSS04 ICT services sustainability management. The district government wants to know the level of capability for the implementation of the three COBIT 5-based processes, so that to achieve the ideal capability value, initiatives that are aligned with the target
Based on the results of a survey conducted on all employees in the field within the Office of Communication and Information Kebumen District, using questionnaires questionnaire made with the standard COBIT 5 Process Assessment Model (PAM) is known that the processes that want to assess the level of capability is still at the level One (1).
To be able to provide optimal services to the community and businesses, local governments need to improve some of the implementation of ICT governance at the internal level such as: Information Technology Strategy Planning, IT Resource Management, IT Service Quality Management, Operation and Use of IT Resources, Managing Change, Service Level Management, Service Sustainability Management, Incident Management and Service Desk, Problem Management, Operations Management.
Keyword : ICT governance, e-government, COBIT 5 PAM, level of capability