Agustinus Suradi, Hendro Joko Prasetyo


ABSTRACT Various information can be found on the internet by accessing the website. Information on the internet should be guaranteed integrity and service / layananya from the source to the user. In website development, technology profile, access speed, and security is a factor that must be taken to ensure that the information and services contained therein can be useful for the user. Internet network is public and global, at the time of service of data sent from one computer to another on the Internet, the data will pass through a number of computers. Denial-of-Service Attack is one of the attacks on web security system which can inhibit the activity of the working of a service or turn it off, so the user has the right / interest can not use these services as expected. Services web application has vulnerability to an attack. One way to detect security flaws in web applications is to use a search application security loopholes. OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) capable of searching for security loopholes website. There are some striking technique, among others: Cross Site Scripting, Injection, Malicious File Execution, Insecure Direct Object Reference and others. Results from this study is the method of coping and prevention techniques of Denial Of Service Attack, and improved service website. Keywords: Technology profile, OWASP, Denial Of Service Attack.

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Copyright (c) 2017 Agustinus Suradi, Hendro Joko Prasetyo


 JTI Respati (J-urnal T-eknologi I-nformasi Respati)

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